Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Gainesville Bike and Pedestrian Safety Project

Project Description: Federal Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) program project to test and implement connected vehicle and pedestrian/bicyclist safety applications (active or passive) at 13 signalized intersections and 8 mid–block crossings within the core of the University of Florida (UF) campus. The goal of this project is to reduce pedestrian and bicycle crashes and conflicts with vehicles and transit. The routes are SR 26 (University Avenue), US 441 (SW 13th Street), Museum Road, and Gale Lemerand Drive. The project will install roadside units (RSUs), passive pedestrian detection systems, on–board units, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons.

The following will be tested during this project:
– Passive pedestrian/bicyclist detection at all locations via detection technologies.
– Real–time notification to transit, motorists, and pedestrians/bicyclists.
– Signal phase and timing data broadcasting with active pedestrian/bicyclist detection via RSUs.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
device enrollment information City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices FDOT SCMS Planned
device enrollment information Vehicles FDOT SCMS Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
intersection control status City of Gainesville Field Equipment City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
intersection geometry City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
intersection geometry City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Vehicles Planned
intersection infringement info Vehicles City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
intersection safety application info Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
intersection safety application status City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC Planned
intersection safety warning City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Vehicles Planned
intersection status City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
intersection status City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Vehicles Planned
misbehavior report Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices FDOT SCMS Planned
misbehavior report Vehicles FDOT SCMS Planned
mixed use crossing status City of Gainesville Field Equipment City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
mixed use safety warning control Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC City of Gainesville Field Equipment Planned
mixed use safety warning status City of Gainesville Field Equipment Gainesville Smart Traffic TMC Planned
personal crossing safety information City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
personal location Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
personal location Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Vehicles Planned
personal location information City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment City of Gainesville Field Equipment Planned
personal signal service request Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
proxied personal location City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Vehicles Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Vehicles Planned
signal service request City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment City of Gainesville Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicles City of Gainesville CAV Roadside Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicles Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/3/2025