: Smart Bay project consists of two parts. This project architecture represents the first part of the project and it consists of upgrading infrastructure along the US 98 corridor in Bay County by deploying roadside units (RSU) along with on–board units (OBU) installed in passenger cars, transit vehicles, freight vehicles, and emergency vehicles.
The Smart Bay project covers approximately 51 miles of US 98 in Bay County. Smart Bay is aimed at making the County visitor experience memorable and increasing the economic vitality of the region by improving safety and mobility, and increasing economic development activities in the region. The anticipated benefits from the project include improved roadway and incident clearance times, improved pedestrian and bicycle safety, enabled air force base fleet, transit, and freight signal priority and emergency vehicle preemption, improved traveler information, connected airport and seaport, smart work zone management, real–time traveler information, enabled road weather information system, rail crossing advance warning, bridge weather monitoring sensor, and enabled vehicle to vehicle (V2V) connection for autonomous shuttles.