City of Tampa ATMS Expansion Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the City of Tampa ATMS Expansion project.
Service Packages
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provides daily weather forecasts, sever storm warnings and other weather related information that are used in surface transportation weather codition prediction.
- Local Media
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect traffic information, travel conditions, incident information and other transportation information and provides the information to the travelling public.
- Counties and Cities
Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and archive traffic information from roadway sensors.
- Coordinate roadway maintenance and construction.
- Local Agencies
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Coordinate maintenance resource response to incidents in the municipality with local public safety agencies.
- Provide maintenance resources in response to incidents on municipally operated arterials.
- Receive incident information, traffic images and roadway network conditions from municipal and county TMCs.
- FDOT District 7
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate incident response with county and local PWDs, including responses during scheduled events.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through controlling and accessing data of local agencies' ITS devices.
- Coordinate regional traffic operations through sharing of FDOT ITS devices' control and data.
- Coordinate traffic information with county and local TMCs.
- Operate and coordinate traffic control devices, traffic sensors, and CCTVs on FDOT freeways, including the ability to control traffic on overflow ramps.
- City of Tampa Smart Mobility Division
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Coordinate evacuation and reentry plans with the county EOC/warning points and local EOCs.
- Coordinate incident response for incidents on or adjacent to county-owned roadways with PWDs, public safety agencies, and EOCs in surrounding counties and municipalities, including scheduled event responses.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 7 and adjoining cities.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data from City of Tampa CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of all field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems on city-owned arterials.
- Provide incident information to other traffic management and public safety agencies.
- Receive road weather information from field equipment.
- City of Tampa Police Department
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinate emergency plans, incident responses, and resources with the City of Tampa.
- Obtain traffic flow data from City of Tampa field sensors and access the City of Tampa DMS.
Last Updated 5/24/2024