Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Information Flows

Information Flows represent information that is exchanged between physical objects (subsystems and terminators) in the physical view of the National and Regional Architectures. The terms "Information Flow" and "Architecture Flow" are used interchangeably. Information Flows are the primary tool used to define the ITS architecture interfaces between subsystems and terminators. Information Flows and their communications requirements form the basis for much of the ongoing ITS standards work in the national ITS program.

Information Flows in the following list come from the National ITS Architecture, with the exception of Information Flows with names that end in "_ud." Information Flows with names that end in "_ud" are user defined Information Flows that were defined by one or more Florida Regional ITS Stakeholders.

Source ElementFlowDestination ElementStatus
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report FTE EOC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers emergency archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident command information coordination Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers hazmat information request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
911 Emergency Call Centers emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Amtrak Passenger Train Terminal alternate mode service data HART Transit Operations Planned
Amtrak Passenger Train Terminal alternate mode service data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Archived Data User Systems archived data product requests County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
Archived Data User Systems archived data product requests FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Planned
Archived Data User Systems archive analysis requests SunGuide Data Archiving Existing
Archived Data User Systems archived data product requests SunGuide Data Archiving Planned
Archived Data User Systems archived data product requests Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle location and motion HART Transit Vehicles Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle intersection infringement info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle location and motion THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle situation data THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle intersection infringement info Vehicles Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle control event Vehicles Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle location and motion Vehicles Planned
Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle vehicle path prediction Vehicles Planned
CAV Authorizing Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center equipment control commands THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application information THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV Authorizing Center RSE application install/upgrade THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of Plant City TMC Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of Plant City TMC Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry City of Tampa TMC Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates City of Tampa TMC Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System intersection geometry THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System map updates THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
CAV-ITS Map Update System roadway geometry THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Citrus County Field Equipment rail crossing status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Citrus County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification Citrus County Traffic Control Center Existing
Citrus County Field Equipment signal control status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Existing
Citrus County Field Equipment signal fault data Citrus County Traffic Control Center Existing
Citrus County Field Equipment traffic detector data Citrus County Traffic Control Center Existing
Citrus County Field Equipment traffic images Citrus County Traffic Control Center Existing
Citrus County Field Equipment traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Citrus County Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Citrus County Paratransit Vehicles demand response passenger and use data Citrus County Transit Management Center Existing
Citrus County Paratransit Vehicles transit vehicle location data Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Citrus County Paratransit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center rail crossing control data Citrus County Field Equipment Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center rail crossing request Citrus County Field Equipment Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center signal control commands Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center signal control device configuration Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center signal control plans Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center signal system configuration Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic detector control Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center video surveillance control Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Citrus County Traffic Control Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit vehicle operator information Citrus County Paratransit Vehicles Existing
Citrus County Transit Management Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit system data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Florida 511 Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit incident information Florida 511 Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Citrus County Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
City of Clearwater Field Equipment rail crossing status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment right-of-way request notification City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment signal control status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment signal fault data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment traffic detector data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
City of Clearwater Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center rail crossing control data City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center rail crossing request City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center roadway dynamic signage data City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control commands City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control device configuration City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control plans City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal system configuration City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic detector control City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center video surveillance control City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Florida 511 Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information Local EOCs Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local EOCs Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local EOCs Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images Local EOCs Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traveler archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center roadway dynamic signage data Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control commands Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control device configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal control plans Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center signal system configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic detector control Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center video surveillance control Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center interactive traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic control priority status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment local priority request coordination City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment signal control coordination City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic detector coordination City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment video surveillance coordination City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment environmental situation data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment queue warning application status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing application status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment road weather advisory status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment signal priority status Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Fire Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage local data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FHP Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment environmental situation data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment road weather advisory status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment arriving train information City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment conflict monitor status City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment environmental sensor data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment incident scene warning notification City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment intersection control status City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment local priority request coordination City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment reduced speed warning info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment signal control coordination City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment track status City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic detector coordination City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment vehicle signage local data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment video surveillance coordination City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment environmental sensor data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment rail crossing status City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment right-of-way request notification City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway warning system status City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment signal control status City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment signal fault data City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment speed monitoring information City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic detector data City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic image meta data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic images City of Plant City TMC Existing
City of Plant City Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment incident scene warning status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Plant City Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC wrong way vehicle notification 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of Plant City TMC intersection safety application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC passive vehicle monitoring control City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC queue warning application information City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing control data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing request City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC road weather advisory info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC speed monitoring control City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC vehicle signage application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC environmental sensor control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC passive vehicle monitoring control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing control data City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing request City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC roadway advisory radio data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC roadway warning system control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC signal control commands City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC signal control device configuration City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC signal control plans City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC signal system configuration City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC speed monitoring control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic detector control City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC video surveillance control City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
City of Plant City TMC incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions County and City Public Information System Planned
City of Plant City TMC equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC field device coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City TMC maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Plant City TMC device data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Plant City TMC device status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Plant City TMC incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Plant City TMC traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Plant City TMC misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC intersection status Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC lane closure information Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC reduced speed warning info Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic image meta data Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images Florida 511 Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
City of Plant City TMC field device coordination Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Plant City TMC intersection status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC lane closure information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC reduced speed warning info Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Local EOCs Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Local Transit Operator Systems Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
City of Plant City TMC rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
City of Plant City TMC incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Plant City TMC traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment right-of-way request notification City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment signal control status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment signal fault data City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment traffic detector data City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment roadside archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment secure area surveillance data Local Police Dispatch Existing
City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment crossing permission Pedestrians Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center roadway dynamic signage data City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center signal control commands City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center signal control device configuration City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center signal control plans City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center signal system configuration City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic detector control City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center video surveillance control City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Florida 511 Existing
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information Local EOCs Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local EOCs Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local EOCs Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images Local EOCs Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic control priority status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment arriving train information City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment local priority request coordination City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment signal control coordination City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment track status City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment traffic detector coordination City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage local data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment video surveillance coordination City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment environmental sensor data City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment environmental situation data City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment queue warning application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment road weather advisory status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment traffic monitoring application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment signal priority status Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Fire Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FHP Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment arriving train information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment conflict monitor status City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment environmental sensor data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment incident scene warning notification City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment intersection control status City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment intersection infringement info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment local priority request coordination City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment reduced speed warning info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment RSE application information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment signal control coordination City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment track status City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector coordination City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment vehicle signage local data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment video surveillance coordination City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of Tampa Police Dispatch Ongoing
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector data City of Tampa Police Dispatch Ongoing
City of Tampa Field Equipment environmental sensor data City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
City of Tampa Field Equipment lane management information City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment rail crossing application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment rail crossing status City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment reversible lane status City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment right-of-way request notification City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway warning system status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment secure area surveillance data City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment signal control status City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment signal fault data City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment speed monitoring information City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector data City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic image meta data City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic images City of Tampa TMC Existing
City of Tampa Field Equipment traveler information application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa TMC Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment incident scene safety application status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment incident scene warning status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment intersection control status THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment intersection infringement info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment personal location information THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment vehicle signage local data THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC wrong way vehicle notification 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network environmental situation data City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images City of Plant City TMC Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC intersection management application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC intersection safety application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC queue warning application information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing control data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing request City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC road weather advisory info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC roadway warning system control City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC speed monitoring control City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic monitoring application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC vehicle signage application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC environmental sensor control City of Tampa Field Equipment Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC lane management control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing application info City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing control data City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing request City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC reversible lane control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC roadway advisory radio data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC roadway dynamic signage data City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC roadway warning system control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC secure area surveillance control City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC signal control commands City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC signal control device configuration City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC signal control plans City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC signal system configuration City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC speed monitoring control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic detector control City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC video surveillance control City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
City of Tampa TMC environmental conditions data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC field device coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa TMC maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
City of Tampa TMC device control request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC intersection status Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC lane closure information Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC reduced speed warning info Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Florida 511 Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic image meta data Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Florida 511 Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information FTE EOC Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status FTE EOC Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions FTE EOC Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images FTE EOC Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information HART Transit Operations Existing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions HART Transit Operations Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic control priority status HART Transit Operations Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images HART Transit Operations Existing
City of Tampa TMC field device coordination Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
City of Tampa TMC archive analysis requests Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC device control request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC reversible lane status_ud Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC intersection status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Tampa TMC lane closure information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Tampa TMC reduced speed warning info Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information Local EOCs Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status Local EOCs Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Local EOCs Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Local EOCs Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC emergency traffic control information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident response status Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC resource request Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC environmental conditions data National Hurricane Center Info. System Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC environmental conditions data National Weather Service Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Ongoing
City of Tampa TMC incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions PSTA DART Operations Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
City of Tampa TMC rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
City of Tampa TMC transportation operational strategies Tampa International Airport Parking Management System Planned
City of Tampa TMC incident information TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC road network conditions TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic control priority status TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
City of Tampa TMC intersection safety application info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC mixed use safety warning control THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC queue warning application information THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC roadway warning system control THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC speed management application information THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic monitoring application info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC variable speed limit control THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC vehicle signage application info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
City of Tampa TMC lane management control THEA Reversible Lane Control Planned
City of Tampa TMC reversible lane control THEA Reversible Lane Control Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic detector control THEA Reversible Lane Control Planned
City of Tampa TMC video surveillance control THEA Reversible Lane Control Planned
City of Tampa TMC traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Clearwater PWD Systems traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle local signal priority request City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion for surveillance City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle local signal priority request City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion for surveillance City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle local signal priority request FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion for surveillance FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle tag data FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities (Incl. ASPEN) Planned
Commercial Vehicle misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data Florida 511 Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion HART Transit Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle local signal priority request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion for surveillance Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle environmental data Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Commercial Vehicle freight equipment information Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle situation data THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Commercial Vehicle collision warning information Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle intersection infringement info Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle control event Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle location and motion Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle vehicle path prediction Vehicles Planned
Commercial Vehicle wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
Commuter Services Info. Systems (Ride Matching) traveler archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles environmental sensor data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles maint and constr dispatch status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles maint and constr vehicle conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles maint and constr vehicle location data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles maint and constr vehicle operational data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles work zone status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles work zone warning status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and City PWD Vehicles maint and constr vehicle conditions County and Local Equipment Repair Facility Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions City of Tampa TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status City of Tampa TMC Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr dispatch information County and City PWD Vehicles Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems asset status update County and Local Asset Management Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr fleet information County and Local Equipment Repair Facility Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems environmental sensor control County and Local Field Equipment Existing
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems infrastructure monitoring sensor control County and Local Field Equipment Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway dynamic signage data County and Local Field Equipment Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work plan coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Florida 511 Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Florida 511 Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information FTE Maintenance and Construction Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work plan coordination FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions HART Transit Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans HART Transit Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status HART Transit Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information HART Transit Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Local Police Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Local Police Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Local Police Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems environmental conditions data National Hurricane Center Info. System Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems environmental conditions data National Weather Service Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource coordination Other County and City Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work plan coordination Other County and City Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Other County and City Maintenance Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems equipment maintenance status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource response Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems road weather information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Private Traveler Information Services Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr resource coordination Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work plan coordination Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions PSTA DART Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans PSTA DART Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status PSTA DART Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information PSTA DART Operations Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Rail Operations Centers Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Regional Airports Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans Tampa International Airport Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems current infrastructure restrictions TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems maint and constr work plans TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems roadway maintenance status TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems work zone information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County and Local Asset Management Systems asset inventory County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Asset Management Systems asset restrictions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Equipment Repair Facility maint and constr equipment repair status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment work zone warning notification County and City PWD Vehicles Planned
County and Local Field Equipment environmental sensor data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Existing
County and Local Field Equipment environmental situation data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment infrastructure monitoring sensor data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment work zone warning status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment traffic detector data County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and Local Field Equipment traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic detector control County and Local Field Equipment Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems video surveillance control County and Local Field Equipment Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems device control request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems device data Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems device status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
County and Local Traffic Control Systems rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
County Emergency Broadcast Systems emergency traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status City of Plant City TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status City of Tampa TMC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information County Emergency Broadcast Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status County Emergency Broadcast Systems Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points remote surveillance control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FTE EOC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination FTE EOC Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status HART Transit Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident command information coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points resource coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Local Police Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points disaster information_ud Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information_ud Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency traffic control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status Private Traveler Information Services Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status PSTA DART Operations Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points alert notification TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency plan coordination TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points emergency transit service request TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points evacuation information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points incident response status TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points threat information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County EOCs/Warning Points transportation system status TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch decision support information County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency dispatch requests County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch decision support information County Fire Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency dispatch requests County Fire Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene warning device control County Fire Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch suggested route County Fire Vehicles Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene safety application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene warning device control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report FTE EOC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene safety application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident scene warning device control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency traffic control request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency traffic control request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch remote surveillance control Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource deployment status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency traffic control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch care facility status request Regional Medical Centers Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles local signal preemption request City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles emergency dispatch response County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles incident scene status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles local signal preemption request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles local signal preemption request Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles vehicle location and motion Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles local signal preemption request Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles vehicle situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire Vehicles emergency dispatch response County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene warning notification FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Hernando County Field Equipment Planned
County Fire Vehicles incident scene warning notification Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
County Fire Vehicles emergency dispatch response Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
County Fire Vehicles personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
County Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
County Fire Vehicles care facility status request Regional Medical Centers Planned
County Fire Vehicles patient status Regional Medical Centers Planned
County Fire Vehicles special vehicle alert Vehicles Planned
County Fire Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
County Planning Transportation Archive System archived data products Archived Data User Systems Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch emergency archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch decision support information County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch emergency dispatch requests County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene warning device control County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene safety application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene warning device control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch remote surveillance control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report FTE EOC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene safety application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident scene warning device control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch remote surveillance control Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch remote surveillance control Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
County Sheriff Dispatch incident response status TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles emergency dispatch response County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene warning status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene warning notification FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles incident scene warning notification Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles special vehicle alert Vehicles Planned
County Sheriff Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Electronic Payment Card actuate secure payment Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment Planned
Electronic Payment Card actuate secure payment Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Emissions Monitoring Equipment air quality sensor data EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Emissions Monitoring Equipment vehicle emissions data EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data City of Tampa TMC Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems air quality sensor control EPC of Hillsborough County Emissions Monitoring Equipment Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems emissions sensor control EPC of Hillsborough County Emissions Monitoring Equipment Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems air quality information_ud Florida DEP Air Quality Management System Planned
EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment payment transactions Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment payment transactions FTE Regional Toll Office Existing
Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment vehicle payment update SunPass Tag Existing
FDLE Headquarters Wide Area Alert System alert notification coordination FDOT District 5 RTMC Existing
FDLE Headquarters Wide Area Alert System alert notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Asset Management Systems asset inventory FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT Asset Management Systems asset restrictions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 1 Field Equipment environmental sensor data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 1 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 1 Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 1 Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 1 I-4 and I-275 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles emergency dispatch response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 1 I-4 and I-275 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles incident scene status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 5 RTMC alert notification coordination FDLE Headquarters Wide Area Alert System Existing
FDOT District 5 RTMC alert notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment local traveler information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment map updates Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment restricted lanes information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment signal priority status Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed management information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Fire Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment arriving train information FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment local priority request coordination FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment signal control coordination FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment track status FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic detector coordination FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment video surveillance coordination FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment lane management information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment queue warning application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment restricted lanes application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment road weather advisory status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment roadway warning system status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment RSE application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment shoulder management information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed management application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic metering status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic monitoring application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment traveler information application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment variable speed limit status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FHP Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment restricted lanes information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment speed management information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center alert notification FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center alert notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center emergency plan coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center evacuation coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center alert notification Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center alert notification coordination Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) Planned
FDOT District 7 Equipment Repair Facility maint and constr equipment repair status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment reduced speed warning info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Fire Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment arriving train information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment conflict monitor status FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment environmental sensor data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment intersection control status FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment intersection infringement info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment local priority request coordination FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment signal control coordination FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment track status FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic detector coordination FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic situation data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment vehicle signage local data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment video surveillance coordination FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment infrastructure monitoring sensor data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment work zone warning status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment work zone warning notification FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment barrier system status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment environmental sensor data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment lane management information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment rail crossing status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway warning system status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment safeguard system status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment shoulder management information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic metering status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment variable speed limit status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection System Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection System Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment incident scene warning status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment driver information_ud_cvria Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment infrastructure monitoring sensor data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment secure area sensor data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment secure area surveillance data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway advisory radio data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed monitoring control City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed warning application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance traffic detector control City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance vehicle signage application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance video surveillance control City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway advisory radio data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed monitoring control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance traffic detector control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance video surveillance control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance field device coordination City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed warning application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance vehicle signage application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway advisory radio data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway dynamic signage data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed monitoring control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance traffic detector control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance video surveillance control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance field device coordination City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work plan coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance asset status update FDOT Asset Management Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed warning application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance vehicle signage application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr fleet information FDOT District 7 Equipment Repair Facility Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance infrastructure monitoring sensor control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway advisory radio data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed monitoring control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance traffic detector control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance video surveillance control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr dispatch information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance alert status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance equipment maintenance status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance field device coordination FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance road network status assessment FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work plan coordination FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed warning application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance vehicle signage application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway dynamic signage data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance speed monitoring control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance field device coordination Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource coordination Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work plan coordination Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work zone information Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource response Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance roadway maintenance status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource coordination Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr resource coordination Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance work plan coordination Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions PSTA DART Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans PSTA DART Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Rail Operations Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Regional Airports Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans Tampa International Airport Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance current infrastructure restrictions TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance maint and constr work plans TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles traffic detector control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles video surveillance control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles roadway dynamic signage data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles traffic detector control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles video surveillance control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle conditions FDOT District 7 Equipment Repair Facility Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles traffic detector control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles video surveillance control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr dispatch status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle location data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle operational data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles work zone status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles work zone warning status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles roadway dynamic signage data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles traffic detector control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles video surveillance control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems alert status FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems alternate mode information Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems traveler information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems traveler information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
FDOT District 7 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles emergency dispatch response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles incident scene status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center wrong way vehicle notification 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection management application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident scene warning device control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device data City of Plant City TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device status City of Plant City TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information City of Plant City TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions City of Plant City TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images City of Plant City TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device control request City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device data City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device status City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images City of Tampa TMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center alert status FDLE Headquarters Wide Area Alert System Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center environmental sensor control FDOT District 1 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information_ud FDOT District 1 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 1 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control FDOT District 1 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control FDOT District 1 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center emergency dispatch requests FDOT District 1 I-4 and I-275 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FDOT District 1 Traffic Management Centers Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information FDOT District 1 Traffic Management Centers Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center alert status FDOT District 5 RTMC Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information FDOT District 5 RTMC Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection management application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection safety application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center lane management control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center passive vehicle monitoring control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center queue warning application information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing control data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing request FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center restricted lanes application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather advisory info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway warning system control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center RSE application information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center RSE application install/upgrade FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center shoulder management control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center speed management application information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center speed monitoring control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic metering control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic monitoring application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traveler information application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center variable speed limit control FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center vehicle signage application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center alert status FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center barrier system control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center environmental sensor control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center lane management control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing application info FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing control data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing request FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway advisory radio data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway warning system control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center safeguard system control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center shoulder management control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center speed management application information FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center speed monitoring control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic metering control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center variable speed limit control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center vehicle signage application info FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center infrastructure monitoring sensor control FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center secure area sensor control FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center secure area surveillance control FDOT District 7 Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center alert notification FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center equipment maintenance request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center field device coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation system status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center work plan feedback FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation system status FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center emergency dispatch requests FDOT District 7 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center archive coordination FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies FDOT TPAS Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center wrong way vehicle notification FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center decision support information FHP Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center amber alert_ud Florida 511 Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection status Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center lane closure information Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center reduced speed warning info Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Florida 511 Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information Florida 511 Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center roadway maintenance status Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic image meta data Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Florida 511 Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation system status Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center work zone information Florida 511 Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center toll service change request FTE Regional Toll Office Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center speed warning application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center field device coordination Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center archive analysis requests Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center lane closure information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center reduced speed warning info Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Local EOCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status Local EOCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Local EOCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Local EOCs Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center environmental conditions data National Hurricane Center Info. System Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information National Hurricane Center Info. System Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center environmental conditions data National Weather Service Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road weather information National Weather Service Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device control request Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device data Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device status Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Other FDOT District TMCs Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traveler archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control commands Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control device configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal control plans Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center signal system configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic detector control Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center video surveillance control Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident command information coordination Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Port of Tampa Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Port of Tampa Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center maint and constr resource request Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Private Traveler Information Services Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center interactive traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center parking availability Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center environmental conditions data Private Weather Information Providers Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center parking traffic information Private/Public Parking Facility Operators Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies Private/Public Parking Facility Operators Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions PSTA DART Operations Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center archived data product requests SunGuide Data Archiving Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic archive data SunGuide Data Archiving Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center toll service change request SunPass Customer Service Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information Tampa International Airport Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions Tampa International Airport Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images Tampa International Airport Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center transportation operational strategies The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center incident information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center road network conditions TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Existing
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center traffic images US Coast Guard Security System Planned
FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center intersection status Vehicles Planned
FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection System roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection System traffic detector control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FDOT District 7 Wrong Way Detection System alerts and advisories FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities (Incl. ASPEN) request tag data Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities (Incl. ASPEN) wim and queue data_ud FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Commercial Vehicle Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information HART Transit Operations Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations HART Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials HART Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information HART Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Personnel Device Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Personnel Device Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Personnel Device Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
FDOT SCMS security credential revocations Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security credentials Vehicles Planned
FDOT SCMS security policy and networking information Vehicles Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images City of Plant City TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases archived data products Archived Data User Systems Planned
FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases archive coordination FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases archive coordination FTE TEAMS Planned
FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases archive coordination Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) emergency plan coordination FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) evacuation coordination FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) emergency plan coordination Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) transportation system status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) threat information coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
FDOT TPAS parking information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FDOT TPAS parking area management information FDOT TPAS Equipment Existing
FDOT TPAS parking information Florida 511 Planned
FDOT TPAS Equipment parking area information FDOT TPAS Existing
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene safety application info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene warning device control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene safety application info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene warning device control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch decision support information FHP Vehicles Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene warning device control FHP Vehicles Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch decision support information Florida Highway Patrol Vehicles Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch emergency dispatch requests Florida Highway Patrol Vehicles Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report FTE EOC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene safety application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident scene warning device control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch remote surveillance control Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
FHP Regional Dispatch emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene warning notification City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene warning notification FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FHP Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene warning status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene warning notification Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
FHP Vehicles personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
FHP Vehicles incident scene images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Vehicles vehicle situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
FHP Vehicles special vehicle alert Vehicles Planned
FHP Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Financial Institutions settlement Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
Financial Institutions settlement HART Transit Operations Planned
Financial Institutions settlement PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Financial Institutions settlement PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Financial Institutions settlement PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Florida 511 demand responsive transit request Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Florida 511 trip confirmation Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data City of Plant City TMC Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data City of Tampa TMC Planned
Florida 511 broadcast traveler information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Florida 511 intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
Florida 511 road weather advisories Commercial Vehicle Planned
Florida 511 alert status FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Florida 511 alternate mode information FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
Florida 511 road network conditions FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
Florida 511 traffic images FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
Florida 511 transit service information FDOT District 7 Public Information Office Systems Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Florida 511 road network traffic situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Florida 511 toll data request Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
Florida 511 traveler information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Existing
Florida 511 alternate mode information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida 511 road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida 511 traffic images Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida 511 transit service information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida 511 broadcast traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Existing
Florida 511 interactive traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Existing
Florida 511 trip plan Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Florida 511 road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
Florida 511 emergency traveler information Rest Stop Kiosks Planned
Florida 511 interactive traveler information Rest Stop Kiosks Planned
Florida 511 travel services information Rest Stop Kiosks Planned
Florida 511 traveler archive data SunGuide Data Archiving Planned
Florida 511 traveler archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Florida 511 broadcast traveler information Transit Kiosks Planned
Florida 511 trip plan Transit Kiosks Planned
Florida 511 traveler information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Existing
Florida 511 broadcast traveler information Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 interactive traveler information Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 intersection status Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 lane closure information Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 reduced speed warning info Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 traveler alerts Vehicles Planned
Florida 511 trip plan Vehicles Planned
Florida DEP Air Quality Management System air quality information_ud EPC of Hillsborough County Environmental Management Systems Planned
Florida DEP Air Quality Management System air quality information_ud PDEM Environmental Management Systems Planned
Florida DMV Licensing and Registration System registration Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
Florida Highway Patrol Vehicles emergency dispatch response FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Florida Highway Patrol Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Florida Highway Patrol Vehicles incident scene status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) evacuation information County Emergency Broadcast Systems Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) transportation system status County Emergency Broadcast Systems Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) alert notification coordination FDOT District 7 Emergency Operations Center Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) emergency plan coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) incident information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) evacuation information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida Statewide EOC/Warning Point (SEOC) transportation system status Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS payment instructions Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS payment violation notification FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS payment request Financial Institutions Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS toll data Florida 511 Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS license request Florida DMV Licensing and Registration System Planned
Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS payment instructions THEA Toll Collection Systems Planned
FTE EOC incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
FTE EOC incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
FTE EOC incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
FTE EOC resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
FTE EOC emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE EOC evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE EOC incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC transportation system status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
FTE EOC incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
FTE EOC threat information coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
FTE Maintenance and Construction Dispatch work zone information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FTE Operations Center (Pompano) work plan coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) work plan coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) work zone information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) toll probe data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) maint and constr resource response Local Police Dispatch Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) incident information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) road network conditions The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
FTE Regional Toll Office payment instructions Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Existing
FTE Regional Toll Office toll data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Regional Toll Office toll service change response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
FTE Regional Toll Office payment violation notification FHP Regional Dispatch Existing
FTE Regional Toll Office payment instructions THEA Toll Collection Systems Existing
FTE TEAMS archive coordination FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Planned
HART GIS System map updates HART Transit Operations Planned
HART Transit Operations transit alternate mode information Amtrak Passenger Train Terminal Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud City of Plant City TMC Planned
HART Transit Operations incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
HART Transit Operations traffic control priority request City of Tampa TMC Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud City of Tampa TMC Planned
HART Transit Operations alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
HART Transit Operations payment violation notification County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
HART Transit Operations transit emergency data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
HART Transit Operations incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit probe data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit system data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
HART Transit Operations misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
HART Transit Operations payment request Financial Institutions Planned
HART Transit Operations transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
HART Transit Operations transit incident information Florida 511 Planned
HART Transit Operations transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
HART Transit Operations transit archive data HART Data Archive Existing
HART Transit Operations map update notification HART GIS System Planned
HART Transit Operations alarm acknowledge HART Transit Vehicles Planned
HART Transit Operations fare management information HART Transit Vehicles Planned
HART Transit Operations secure area surveillance control HART Transit Vehicles Existing
HART Transit Operations transit schedule information HART Transit Vehicles Existing
HART Transit Operations transit traveler information HART Transit Vehicles Existing
HART Transit Operations transit vehicle operator information HART Transit Vehicles Existing
HART Transit Operations transit and fare schedules HART Website Existing
HART Transit Operations transit schedule adherence information HART Website Planned
HART Transit Operations archive analysis requests Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
HART Transit Operations incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
HART Transit Operations traffic control priority request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Existing
HART Transit Operations transit incident information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
HART Transit Operations transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
HART Transit Operations payment violation notification Local Police Dispatch Planned
HART Transit Operations transit emergency data Local Police Dispatch Planned
HART Transit Operations personal transit information OneBusAway App Existing
HART Transit Operations transit service coordination PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transportation network observations_ud Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit alternate mode information Port of Tampa Planned
HART Transit Operations transit and fare schedules Private Traveler Information Services Existing
HART Transit Operations transit incident information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
HART Transit Operations transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
HART Transit Operations service information request PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit alternate mode information PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit service coordination PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit service coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
HART Transit Operations transit archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
HART Transit Operations transit alternate mode information Tampa International Airport Planned
HART Transit Operations transit service coordination TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
HART Transit Operations demand responsive transit plan Transit Agency IVR System Planned
HART Transit Operations transit and fare schedules Transit Agency IVR System Planned
HART Transit Operations transit schedule adherence information Transit Agency IVR System Planned
HART Transit Operations alarm acknowledge Transit Facility Security Monitoring System Existing
HART Transit Operations secure area surveillance control Transit Facility Security Monitoring System Existing
HART Transit Operations fare management information Transit Kiosks Planned
HART Transit Operations transit traveler information Transit Stops/Stations Equipment Existing
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle signage data Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
HART Transit Vehicles local signal priority request City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
HART Transit Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
HART Transit Vehicles secure area surveillance data FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Existing
HART Transit Vehicles alarm notification HART Transit Operations Planned
HART Transit Vehicles demand response passenger and use data HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles fare collection data HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles onboard_surveillance_ud HART Transit Operations Planned
HART Transit Vehicles secure area surveillance data HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles transit vehicle conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
HART Transit Vehicles transit vehicle loading data HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance HART Transit Operations Existing
HART Transit Vehicles local signal priority request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
HART Transit Vehicles local signal priority request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
HART Transit Vehicles request for payment Regional Smart Card Planned
HART Transit Vehicles local signal priority request THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion Vehicles Planned
HART Transit Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Hernando County Field Equipment rail crossing status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Hernando County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment signal control status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment signal fault data Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment traffic detector data Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Existing
Hernando County Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device control request County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device data County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device status County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center rail crossing control data Hernando County Field Equipment Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center rail crossing request Hernando County Field Equipment Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center roadway dynamic signage data Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center signal control commands Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center signal control device configuration Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center signal control plans Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center signal system configuration Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic detector control Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center video surveillance control Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device control request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device data Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center device status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center incident information TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center road network conditions TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Hernando County Traffic Control Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal priority status Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene safety application status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification FHP Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal priority status HART Transit Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal preemption request Hernando County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment conflict monitor status Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment incident scene warning notification Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection control status Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment local priority request coordination Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment mixed use crossing status Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment personal location information Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal control coordination Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal preemption request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal service request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment track status Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment traffic detector coordination Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage local data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment video surveillance coordination Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment work zone warning notification Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment environmental situation data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment mixed use safety warning status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment queue warning application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment road weather advisory status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal control status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment speed warning application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment traffic monitoring application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment signal priority status Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment arriving train information Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment lane closure information Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment rail crossing warning Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment reduced speed notification Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment reduced speed warning info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment incident scene warning notification County Fire Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadside archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment incident scene warning status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment speed monitoring information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic image meta data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment incident scene warning status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment arriving train information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment environmental sensor data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment incident scene warning notification Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment intersection control status Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment intersection infringement info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment intersection status monitoring Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment local priority request coordination Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment passive vehicle monitoring coordination Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment personal location information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment reduced speed warning info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal control coordination Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal service request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment track status Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic detector coordination Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic situation data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment vehicle signage local data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment video surveillance coordination Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment work zone warning notification Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic images Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment work zone warning status Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment environmental sensor data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment rail crossing application status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment rail crossing status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway advisory radio status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment roadway warning system status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal control status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment signal fault data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment speed monitoring information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic detector data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic image meta data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Existing
Hillsborough County Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment rail crossing blockage notification Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway dynamic signage data City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System speed monitoring control City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System field device coordination City of Plant City TMC Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway dynamic signage data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System speed monitoring control City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System field device coordination City of Tampa TMC Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway dynamic signage data FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System speed monitoring control FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System field device coordination FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System maint and constr work plans Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway maintenance status Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System work zone information Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway advisory radio data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway dynamic signage data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System speed monitoring control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System video surveillance control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System work zone warning device control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System field device coordination Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System work zone information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System maint and constr work plans Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System roadway maintenance status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System work zone information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County MPO Reporting System government reporting data receipt Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System archive analysis results City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System archive analysis results FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System archive analysis results HART Transit Operations Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System road network conditions HART Transit Operations Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Reporting System Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System archive analysis results Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Ongoing
Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Ongoing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center wrong way vehicle notification 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic information for media Channel 22 Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center video surveillance control Citrus County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions City of Plant City TMC Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images City of Plant City TMC Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device control request City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device data City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device status City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images City of Tampa TMC Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County and City Public Information System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center environmental conditions data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center field device coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information for public Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center intersection status Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center lane closure information Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center reduced speed warning info Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic image meta data Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Florida 511 Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic control priority status HART Transit Operations Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images HART Transit Operations Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center intersection management application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center intersection safety application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center mixed use safety warning control Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center passive vehicle monitoring control Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center queue warning application information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing control data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road weather advisory info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center signal control commands Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center situation data collection parameters Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center speed warning application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic monitoring application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center vehicle signage application info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center environmental sensor control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center passive vehicle monitoring control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing application info Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing control data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center roadway advisory radio data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center roadway dynamic signage data Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center roadway warning system control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center signal control commands Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center signal control device configuration Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center signal control plans Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center signal system configuration Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center speed monitoring control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic detector control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center video surveillance control Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center field device coordination Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center archive analysis requests Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center intersection status Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center lane closure information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center reduced speed warning info Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Transit Operator Systems Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center environmental conditions data National Hurricane Center Info. System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center environmental conditions data National Weather Service Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center transportation operational strategies Tampa International Airport Parking Management System Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center incident information TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center road network conditions TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems demand responsive transit request Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems trip confirmation Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road weather advisories Commercial Vehicle Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data Hillsborough County Maintenance and Construction Management System Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data National Weather Service Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems broadcast traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road network environmental situation data Private Weather Information Providers Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems demand responsive transit request TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems trip confirmation TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems broadcast traveler information Vehicles Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems intersection status Vehicles Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems lane closure information Vehicles Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems reduced speed warning info Vehicles Planned
Local Agency Traveler Information Systems road weather advisories Vehicles Planned
Local EOCs incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local EOCs incident information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
Local EOCs incident response status City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
Local EOCs resource request City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
Local EOCs incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local EOCs incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local EOCs remote surveillance control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local EOCs resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local EOCs incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local EOCs incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local EOCs remote surveillance control Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local EOCs resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Fire Vehicles local signal preemption request Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Local Fire Vehicles care facility status request Regional Medical Centers Planned
Local Fire Vehicles patient status Regional Medical Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency traffic control request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency traffic control request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency traffic control request City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency dispatch requests County Fire Vehicles Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report FTE EOC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency traffic control request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch suggested route Local Fire Vehicles Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch decision support information Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency dispatch requests Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch suggested route Local Fire/EMS Vehicles Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch remote surveillance control Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency traffic control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch care facility status request Regional Medical Centers Planned
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles local signal preemption request City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles local signal preemption request City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles local signal preemption request City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles local signal preemption request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles vehicle location and motion Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles local signal preemption request Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles emergency dispatch response Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles incident scene status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Fire/EMS Vehicles vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch secure area surveillance control City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
Local Police Dispatch incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch remote surveillance control City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Local Police Dispatch resource request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource deployment status City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Police Dispatch maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Local Police Dispatch alert notification coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch evacuation coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident command information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch threat information coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch transportation system status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch emergency archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch secure area surveillance data_ud County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch remote surveillance control FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
Local Police Dispatch threat information coordination FDOT Statewide Transportation EOC (TEOC) Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report FTE EOC Planned
Local Police Dispatch threat information coordination FTE EOC Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Police Dispatch maint and constr resource request FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status HART Transit Operations Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch decision support information Local Police Vehicles Planned
Local Police Dispatch emergency dispatch requests Local Police Vehicles Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch remote surveillance control Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch resource request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information PSTA DART Operations Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status PSTA DART Operations Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident report Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response coordination Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
Local Police Dispatch emergency archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Local Police Dispatch incident response status TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
Local Police Vehicles emergency dispatch response Local Police Dispatch Planned
Local Police Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data Local Police Dispatch Planned
Local Police Vehicles incident scene status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Local Transit Operator Systems transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
Local Transit Operator Systems transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
Local Transit Operator Systems transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Local Transit Operator Systems transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans City of Plant City TMC Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans City of Tampa TMC Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event information Florida 511 Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans City of Plant City TMC Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans City of Tampa TMC Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Municipality Event Permit Systems event plans Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information City of Plant City TMC Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System environmental conditions data status City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
National Hurricane Center Info. System qualified environmental conditions data City of Tampa TMC Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System environmental conditions data status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System qualified environmental conditions data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System environmental conditions data status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Hurricane Center Info. System qualified environmental conditions data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System environmental conditions data status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System qualified environmental conditions data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
National Hurricane Center Info. System weather information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Weather Service weather information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
National Weather Service weather information City of Plant City TMC Planned
National Weather Service weather information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
National Weather Service environmental conditions data status City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
National Weather Service qualified environmental conditions data City of Tampa TMC Planned
National Weather Service weather information City of Tampa TMC Ongoing
National Weather Service weather information Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
National Weather Service environmental conditions data status County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Weather Service qualified environmental conditions data County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Weather Service weather information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
National Weather Service weather information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
National Weather Service weather information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
National Weather Service environmental conditions data status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Weather Service qualified environmental conditions data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Weather Service weather information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
National Weather Service weather information Florida 511 Planned
National Weather Service weather information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
National Weather Service weather information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
National Weather Service environmental conditions data status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Weather Service qualified environmental conditions data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Weather Service weather information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
National Weather Service weather information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
National Weather Service weather information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
OneBusAway App transit information user request HART Transit Operations Planned
Other County and City Maintenance maint and constr resource coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Other County and City Maintenance work plan coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Other County and City Maintenance work zone information County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction maint and constr resource coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction work plan coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Other FDOT District Maintenance and Construction work zone information FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs device control request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs device data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs device status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other FDOT District TMCs traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Other Public Safety Communications and Dispatch Centers incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information City of Plant City TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions City of Plant City TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images City of Plant City TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Clearwater PWD Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment request for payment Electronic Payment Card Planned
Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment parking area information Private/Public Parking Facility Operators Planned
Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment parking payment transactions Private/Public Parking Facility Operators Planned
Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment vehicle payment update Vehicles Planned
Pasco County Field Equipment rail crossing status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment signal control status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment signal fault data Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment traffic detector data Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pasco County Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident response status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource request 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center emergency traffic control information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident response status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource request County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device control request Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device data Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device status Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Local EOCs Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status Local EOCs Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Local EOCs Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Local EOCs Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center rail crossing control data Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center rail crossing request Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center roadway dynamic signage data Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center signal control commands Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center signal control device configuration Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center signal control plans Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center signal system configuration Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic detector control Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center video surveillance control Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device control request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center device status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center incident information The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center road network conditions The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
Pasco County Traffic Operations Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center payment violation notification County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit emergency data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit probe data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit system data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center payment request Financial Institutions Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit incident information Florida 511 Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit service coordination HART Transit Operations Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Existing
PCPT Dispatch Center transit incident information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center payment violation notification Local Police Dispatch Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit emergency data Local Police Dispatch Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center personal transit information OneBusAway App Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center traffic control priority request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center alarm acknowledge PCPT Transit Vehicles Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center fare management information PCPT Transit Vehicles Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit traveler information PCPT Transit Vehicles Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit vehicle operator information PCPT Transit Vehicles Existing
PCPT Dispatch Center transit and fare schedules Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit incident information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center secure area surveillance control_ud PSTA Field Equipment Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit service coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit alternate mode information Regional Airports Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center demand responsive transit plan TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit and fare schedules TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit service coordination TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center demand responsive transit plan Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit and fare schedules Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PCPT Dispatch Center fare management information Transit Kiosks Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles local signal priority request Pasco County Field Equipment Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles alarm notification PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles demand response passenger and use data PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles fare collection data PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles transit vehicle conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PCPT Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data PCPT Dispatch Center Existing
PCPT Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance PCPT Dispatch Center Existing
PCPT Transit Vehicles request for payment Regional Smart Card Planned
PDEM Emissions Monitoring Equipment air quality sensor data PDEM Environmental Management Systems Planned
PDEM Emissions Monitoring Equipment vehicle emissions data PDEM Environmental Management Systems Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems air quality information_ud Florida DEP Air Quality Management System Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems air quality sensor control PDEM Emissions Monitoring Equipment Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems emissions sensor control PDEM Emissions Monitoring Equipment Planned
PDEM Environmental Management Systems wide area air quality data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pedestrians crossing call City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Existing
Pedestrians crossing call Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device personnel location City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device personnel location City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device personnel location County Fire Vehicles Planned
Personnel Device personnel location County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
Personnel Device personnel location FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device personnel location FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Personnel Device personnel location FHP Vehicles Planned
Personnel Device personnel location Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device personnel location Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Personnel Device remote vehicle control commands Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Personnel Device asset locations Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection status County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment signal priority status County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment personal location information Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment signal preemption request Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment signal service request Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment local traveler information Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment map updates Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment RSE application status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment traffic monitoring application status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment local traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection status PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment signal priority status PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment local traveler information Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment proxied personal location Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status Pinellas County Smart City Data Platform(SCDP) Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) data publication Pinellas County Smart City Data Platform(SCDP) Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) data query publication Pinellas County Smart City Data Platform(SCDP) Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) archive status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal control status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal fault data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic detector data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal priority status County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment roadside archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal control status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal fault data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic detector data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment crossing permission Pedestrians Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment asset ID Personnel Device Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment personnel safety warning Personnel Device Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment conflict monitor status Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment intersection control status Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment mixed use crossing status Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment emergency traveler information request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Ongoing
Pinellas County Field Equipment field equipment status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment rail crossing status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment right-of-way request notification Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal control status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal fault data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic detector data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic images Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Existing
Pinellas County Field Equipment traffic situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment vehicle based information_ud Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment signal priority status PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment rail crossing operational status Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles asset locations Personnel Device Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles asset locations Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle location data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles maint and constr vehicle operational data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles vehicle situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Smart City Data Platform(SCDP) transportation operational strategies Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident command information coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center map update notification CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images City of Tampa TMC Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County and City Public Information System Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center equipment maintenance request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center maint and constr resource request County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images County EOCs/Warning Points Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection status County Fire EMS/Rescue Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic archive data County Planning Transportation Archive System Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center maint and constr resource request FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images FDOT Statewide ITS WAN/C2C Infrastructure Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center decision support information FHP Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection status FHP Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Florida 511 Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road weather information Florida 511 Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information HART Transit Operations Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions HART Transit Operations Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center emergency traffic control information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center resource deployment status Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images Local Police Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road weather information National Hurricane Center Info. System Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road weather information National Weather Service Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic information for media Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images Other West Central Florida Traffic Management Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device control request Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device data Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center device status Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic images Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center equipment control commands Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection management application info Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection safety application info Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center RSE application information Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center RSE application install/upgrade Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center situation data collection parameters Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic monitoring application info Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center vehicle signage application info Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center maint and constr archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traveler archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center emergency traveler information Pinellas County Field Equipment Ongoing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center rail crossing control data Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center rail crossing request Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center roadway dynamic signage data Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center signal control commands Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center signal control device configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center signal control plans Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center signal system configuration Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic detector control Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center vehicle messages_ud Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center video surveillance control Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center asset location safety warning Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center maint and constr vehicle system control Pinellas County Maintenance Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Pinellas County Traveler Information Website Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road weather information Pinellas County Traveler Information Website Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center broadcast traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road weather information Private Weather Information Providers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic control priority status PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection status PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center rail crossing advisories Rail Operations Centers Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center incident information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center road network conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center traffic information for media Traveler Info. Radio Network Stations Existing
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center broadcast traveler information Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center intersection status Vehicles Planned
Pinellas County Traffic Management Center vehicle situation data parameters Vehicles Planned
Port of Tampa commercial vehicle incident notification County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Port of Tampa commercial vehicle incident notification County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Port of Tampa commercial vehicle incident notification FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Port of Tampa alternate mode service data HART Transit Operations Planned
Port of Tampa commercial vehicle incident notification Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Port of Tampa commercial vehicle incident notification Local Police Dispatch Planned
Port of Tampa alternate mode service data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Field Equipment traffic situation data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems hazmat information 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems shared use response Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Existing
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems trip plan Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems commercial vehicle location data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems demand responsive transit request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems hazmat information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems hazmat notification PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems parking information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems reversible lane status_ud PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems shared use status PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems shared use response Transit Kiosks Planned
Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems trip plan Transit Kiosks Planned
Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch maint and constr resource coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Private Maintenance and Construction Dispatch maint and constr resource response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Private Traffic Data Systems road network traffic situation data City of Tampa TMC Planned
Private Traffic Data Systems road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
Private Traveler Information Services demand responsive transit request Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Private Traveler Information Services trip confirmation Citrus County Transit Management Center Planned
Private Traveler Information Services alternate mode information Florida 511 Planned
Private Traveler Information Services road network conditions Florida 511 Planned
Private Traveler Information Services road network conditions Hillsborough County MPO Transportation Data and Analytics System Ongoing
Private Traveler Information Services traffic archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
Private Traveler Information Services traveler archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
Private Traveler Information Services emergency traveler information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Private Traveler Information Services trip plan Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Private Traveler Information Services demand responsive transit request TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Private Traveler Information Services trip confirmation TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Private Traveler Information Services trip plan Transit Kiosks Planned
Private Traveler Information Services trip plan Vehicles Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices traveler request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location Commercial Vehicle Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices traveler request Florida 511 Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip confirmation Florida 511 Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip request Florida 511 Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices user profile Florida 511 Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices shared use confirmation Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices shared use request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip confirmation Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip feedback Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices user profile Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip confirmation Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip request Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices user profile Private Traveler Information Services Existing
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices actuate secure payment PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices traveler payment information PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices user account setup PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip confirmation TBARTA Rideshare Network Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices trip request TBARTA Rideshare Network Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal signal service request THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices actuate secure payment Transit Kiosks Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices payment device information Transit Kiosks Planned
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices personal location Vehicles Planned
Private Weather Information Providers transportation weather information City of Plant City TMC Planned
Private Weather Information Providers transportation weather information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Private Weather Information Providers qualified environmental conditions data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
Private Weather Information Providers transportation weather information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Private Weather Information Providers transportation weather information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Private Weather Information Providers environmental conditions data status Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Private Weather Information Providers transportation weather information Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems maint and constr resource coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems work plan coordination County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems maint and constr resource coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Private/ Public Utility Dispatch/Systems work plan coordination FDOT District 7 Maintenance Planned
Private/Public Ambulance Dispatch decision support information Private/Public Ambulance Vehicles Planned
Private/Public Ambulance Vehicles incident scene status Private/Public Ambulance Dispatch Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information Florida 511 Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking area management information Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment Planned
Private/Public Parking Facility Operators parking payment instructions Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment Planned
PSTA DART Operations alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit incident information Florida 511 Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit service coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency plan coordination School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency transit schedule information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA DART Operations emergency transit service response School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
PSTA DART Operations demand responsive transit plan TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit and fare schedules TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit schedule adherence information TD Service Provider Systems Planned
PSTA DART Operations demand responsive transit plan Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit and fare schedules Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PSTA DART Operations transit schedule adherence information Transit Agency IVR System Planned
PSTA Field Equipment secure area surveillance data_ud PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application payment request Financial Institutions Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application payment device update Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application request for payment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application traveler payment request Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application request for payment Regional Smart Card Planned
PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application traveler payment request Transit Kiosks Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit system data City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit system data City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center alternate mode service data HART Transit Operations Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center service information response HART Transit Operations Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit service coordination HART Transit Operations Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit system data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center alternate mode service data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center service information response PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit service coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center transit schedule information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
PSTA Intermodal Center Equipment transit information user request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit App transit information user request PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center transit alternate mode information Amtrak Passenger Train Terminal Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center incident information_ud City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center traffic control priority request City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transportation network observations_ud City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center incident information_ud City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center traffic control priority request City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transportation network observations_ud City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transportation network observations_ud City of Tampa TMC Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center payment violation notification County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit emergency data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center incident information_ud FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit probe data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit system data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transportation network observations_ud FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center payment request Financial Institutions Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Florida 511 Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit incident information Florida 511 Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit service coordination HART Transit Operations Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center transit incident information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center payment violation notification Local Police Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit emergency data Local Police Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center personal transit information OneBusAway App Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit service coordination PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center traveler archive data Pinellas County Connected Mobility Platform(CMP) Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center incident information_ud Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center traffic control priority request Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transportation network observations_ud Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit alternate mode information Port of Tampa Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center hazmat information request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center parking information Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center reversible lane status_ud Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit incident information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit service coordination PSTA DART Operations Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center service information request PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit alternate mode information PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit service coordination PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit traveler information PSTA Intermodal Center Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center personal transit information PSTA Transit App Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center transit service information PSTA Transit App Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center transit traveler information PSTA Transit App Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center alarm acknowledge PSTA Transit Vehicles Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center fare management information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center intersection status PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center secure area surveillance control PSTA Transit Vehicles Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center transit schedule information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit traveler information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit vehicle operator information PSTA Transit Vehicles Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency plan coordination School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency transit schedule information School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center emergency transit service response School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit alternate mode information St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center alarm acknowledge Transit Facility Security Monitoring System Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center secure area surveillance control Transit Facility Security Monitoring System Existing
PSTA Transit Management Center fare management information Transit Kiosks Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit traveler information Transit Kiosks Planned
PSTA Transit Management Center transit traveler information Transit Stops/Stations Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles local signal priority request City of Clearwater Field Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles local signal priority request City of St. Petersburg Field Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles onboard_surveillance_ud County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles onboard_surveillance_ud Local Police Vehicles Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles local signal priority request Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles vehicle location and motion Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles local signal priority request Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles vehicle situation data Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance PSTA Intermodal Center Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles alarm notification PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
PSTA Transit Vehicles fare collection data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles onboard_surveillance_ud PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles secure area surveillance data PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
PSTA Transit Vehicles transit vehicle conditions PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
PSTA Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
PSTA Transit Vehicles payment device update Regional Smart Card Planned
PSTA Transit Vehicles request for payment Regional Smart Card Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules Citrus County Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories City of Plant City TMC Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules City of Plant City TMC Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules City of St. Petersburg Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories City of Tampa TMC Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules City of Tampa TMC Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Rail Operations Centers work plan feedback County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules County and Local Traffic Control Systems Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules Hernando County Traffic Control Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules Pasco County Traffic Operations Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad advisories Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Rail Operations Centers railroad schedules Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Citrus County Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status City of Clearwater Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information City of Plant City Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status City of Plant City Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Hernando County Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment arriving train information Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Hillsborough County Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Pasco County Field Equipment Existing
Railroad Operators Wayside Equipment track status Pinellas County Field Equipment Existing
Regional Airports alternate mode service data PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Regional Airports multimodal archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination 911 Emergency Call Centers Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination FHP Regional Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident report Local Police Dispatch Planned
Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network incident response coordination Local Police Dispatch Planned
Regional Medical Centers care facility status County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch Planned
Regional Medical Centers care facility status County Fire Vehicles Planned
Regional Medical Centers care facility status Local Fire Vehicles Planned
Regional Medical Centers care facility status Local Fire/EMS Dispatch Planned
Regional Smart Card actuate secure payment HART Transit Vehicles Planned
Regional Smart Card actuate secure payment PCPT Transit Vehicles Planned
Regional Smart Card actuate secure payment PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Regional Smart Card actuate secure payment PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Regional Smart Card payment device information PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
Regional Smart Card actuate secure payment Transit Kiosks Planned
Rest Stop Kiosks traveler request Florida 511 Planned
School District Transportation Buses alarm notification School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
School District Transportation Buses onboard_surveillance_ud School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
School District Transportation Buses transit vehicle conditions School District Transportation Dispatch Planned
School District Transportation Buses transit vehicle location data School District Transportation Dispatch Existing
School District Transportation Buses transit vehicle schedule performance School District Transportation Dispatch Existing
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud City of Clearwater Traffic Control Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud City of Plant City TMC Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud City of Tampa TMC Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit emergency data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit probe data Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit emergency data Local Police Dispatch Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transportation network observations_ud Pinellas County Traffic Management Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency plan coordination PSTA DART Operations Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency transit service request PSTA DART Operations Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch evacuation information PSTA DART Operations Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency plan coordination PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch emergency transit service request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch evacuation information PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch alarm acknowledge School District Transportation Buses Planned
School District Transportation Dispatch transit vehicle operator information School District Transportation Buses Planned
St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport alternate mode service data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport multimodal archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
SunGuide Data Archiving archive analysis results Archived Data User Systems Existing
SunGuide Data Archiving archive request confirmation Archived Data User Systems Existing
SunGuide Data Archiving archived data products Archived Data User Systems Planned
SunGuide Data Archiving archived data products FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Existing
SunPass Customer Service Center toll service change response FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
SunPass Customer Service Center payment archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
SunPass Tag vehicle payment information Express Lane Open Road Tolling Equipment Existing
SunPass Tag vehicle payment information THEA Toll Collection Systems Existing
Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System archived data products Archived Data User Systems Planned
Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System archive coordination FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Planned
Tampa International Airport incident information FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Tampa International Airport road network conditions FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Tampa International Airport traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Tampa International Airport alternate mode service data HART Transit Operations Planned
Tampa International Airport multimodal archive data Tampa Bay Regional Archive Data Management System Planned
Tampa International Airport Field Equipment roadway dynamic signage status Tampa International Airport Parking Management System Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment request for payment Electronic Payment Card Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment parking area information Tampa International Airport Parking Management System Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment parking payment transactions Tampa International Airport Parking Management System Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment vehicle payment update Vehicles Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System parking information City of Tampa TMC Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System parking information Florida 511 Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System parking information Hillsborough County Traffic Management Center Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System roadway dynamic signage data Tampa International Airport Field Equipment Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System parking area management information Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment Planned
Tampa International Airport Parking Management System parking payment instructions Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment Planned
TBARTA Rideshare Network trip plan Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
TD Service Provider Systems demand responsive transit request PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
TD Service Provider Systems trip confirmation PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
TD Service Provider Systems demand responsive transit request PSTA DART Operations Planned
TD Service Provider Systems trip confirmation PSTA DART Operations Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch traffic control priority request City of Tampa TMC Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit emergency data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit service coordination HART Transit Operations Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit emergency data Local Police Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch alarm acknowledge TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch transit vehicle operator information TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
TECO Street Car Line Dispatch secure area surveillance control_ud Transit Facility Security Monitoring System Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles local signal priority request City of Tampa Field Equipment Existing
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles alarm notification TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles onboard_surveillance_ud TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles transit vehicle location data TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles local signal priority request THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
TECO Street Car Line Vehicles vehicle location and motion THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit system data FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center transit vehicle operator information The Hernando Express Transit Vehicles Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
The Hernando Express Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance The Hernando Express Transit Dispatch Center Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment RSE application status CAV Authorizing Center Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle location data for mapping CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection infringement info City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status monitoring City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment personal location information City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment signal priority service request City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage local data City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection management application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection safety application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment queue warning application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment roadway warning system status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment speed management application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment speed monitoring information City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment traffic monitoring application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment traffic situation data City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment variable speed limit status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage application status City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment speed management information Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry HART Transit Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status HART Transit Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment signal priority status HART Transit Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment personal crossing safety information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment signal priority status TECO Street Car Line Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection geometry Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection safety warning Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment intersection status Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment queue warning information Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment roadway geometry Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment speed management information Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment vehicle signage data Vehicles Planned
THEA CAV Field Equipment wrong way vehicle detected Vehicles Planned
THEA Reversible Lane Control lane management information City of Tampa TMC Existing
THEA Reversible Lane Control reversible lane status City of Tampa TMC Existing
THEA Reversible Lane Control traffic detector data City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA Reversible Lane Control traffic images City of Tampa TMC Planned
THEA Toll Collection Systems payment transactions Florida Statewide Tolling CCSS Planned
THEA Toll Collection Systems payment transactions FTE Regional Toll Office Existing
THEA Toll Collection Systems vehicle payment update SunPass Tag Existing
TransHernando Transit Management Center alert status County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center emergency plan coordination County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center emergency transit schedule information County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center emergency transit service response County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit emergency data County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit system status assessment County EOCs/Warning Points Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Florida 511 Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit service coordination PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center demand responsive transit plan Private Traveler Information Services Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit and fare schedules Private Traveler Information Services Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit schedule adherence information Private Traveler Information Services Planned
TransHernando Transit Management Center transit vehicle operator information TransHernando Transit Vehicles Planned
TransHernando Transit Vehicles demand response passenger and use data TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
TransHernando Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
TransHernando Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance TransHernando Transit Management Center Planned
Transit Agency IVR System demand responsive transit request HART Transit Operations Planned
Transit Agency IVR System trip confirmation HART Transit Operations Planned
Transit Agency IVR System demand responsive transit request PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Transit Agency IVR System trip confirmation PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Transit Agency IVR System demand responsive transit request PSTA DART Operations Planned
Transit Agency IVR System trip confirmation PSTA DART Operations Planned
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System secure area surveillance data County Sheriff Dispatch Planned
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System alarm notification HART Transit Operations Existing
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System secure area surveillance data HART Transit Operations Existing
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System secure area surveillance data Local Police Dispatch Planned
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System alarm notification PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System secure area surveillance data PSTA Transit Management Center Existing
Transit Facility Security Monitoring System secure area surveillance data_ud TECO Street Car Line Dispatch Planned
Transit Kiosks trip confirmation Florida 511 Planned
Transit Kiosks trip request Florida 511 Planned
Transit Kiosks fare collection data HART Transit Operations Existing
Transit Kiosks fare collection data PCPT Dispatch Center Planned
Transit Kiosks shared use confirmation Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
Transit Kiosks shared use request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
Transit Kiosks trip confirmation Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
Transit Kiosks trip request Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Planned
Transit Kiosks trip confirmation Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Transit Kiosks trip request Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Transit Kiosks payment device update Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Transit Kiosks request for payment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Transit Kiosks authorization request PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Transit Kiosks user account setup PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
Transit Kiosks fare collection data PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Transit Kiosks transit information user request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
Transit Kiosks request for payment Regional Smart Card Planned
Transit Stops/Stations Equipment transit information user request HART Transit Operations Existing
Transit Stops/Stations Equipment transit information user request PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
US Coast Guard Security System traffic images FDOT District 7 Tampa Bay SunGuide Center Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle path prediction Autonomous Shuttle Vehicle Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected City of Plant City CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected City of Tampa Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles collision warning information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles driver update information Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle path prediction Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected Commercial Vehicle Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion County Fire Vehicles Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion County Sheriff Vehicles Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected FDOT District 7 Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles misbehavior report FDOT SCMS Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion FHP Vehicles Planned
Vehicles traveler request Florida 511 Planned
Vehicles trip confirmation Florida 511 Planned
Vehicles trip request Florida 511 Planned
Vehicles user profile Florida 511 Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data Florida 511 Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion HART Transit Vehicles Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected Hillsborough County Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle environmental data Local Agency Traveler Information Systems Planned
Vehicles vehicle payment information Parking Facility Operators Parking Equipment Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion for surveillance Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data Pinellas County CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Pinellas County Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles trip confirmation Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Vehicles trip request Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Vehicles user profile Private Traveler Information Services Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
Vehicles vehicle payment information Tampa International Airport Parking Area Equipment Planned
Vehicles intersection infringement info THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle control event THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle location and motion THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles vehicle situation data THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned
Vehicles wrong way vehicle detected THEA CAV Field Equipment Planned

Last Updated 5/24/2024