Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

911 Emergency Call Centers

Status: Existing

Description: Represents the various county and local call taker systems that handle 911 calls. This includes the FHP, county sheriffs, and many local police call taker systems. It also includes E911 systems.

Stakeholder: Counties and Cities

Systems Interconnected
with the 911 Emergency Call Centers

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include 911 Emergency Call Centers:

Architecture Flows
to/from the 911 Emergency Call Centers:

911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatch 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon County Sheriff Dispatch 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FHP LWRCC 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FL511 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Network 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FTE EOC 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FTE Maintenance Facilities 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Pompano) 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Local Fire/EMS Dispatch 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Local Police Dispatch 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Private Sector Traveler Information Services 911 Emergency Call Centers flows into icon Private/Public Ambulance Dispatch County Fire EMS/Rescue Dispatchflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers County Sheriff Dispatchflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers FHP LWRCCflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Networkflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers FTE EOCflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Maintenance Facilitiesflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Pompano)flows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake)flows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers Local Fire/EMS Dispatchflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers Local Police Dispatchflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers Private/Public Ambulance Dispatchflows into icon911 Emergency Call Centers

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the 911 Emergency Call Centers:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with 911 Emergency Call Centers:

Last Updated 4/16/2024