Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Local Fire/EMS Dispatch

Status: Existing

Description: Generic element representing the local and municipal Fire Rescue and EMS dispatch centers. The dispatch center provides call taking, communications, and dispatch functions.

Stakeholder: Local Public Safety Agencies

Systems Interconnected
with the Local Fire/EMS Dispatch

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Local Fire/EMS Dispatch:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Local Fire/EMS Dispatch:

Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon 911 Emergency Call Centers Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon FHP LWRCC Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Network Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon FTE EOC Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Pompano) Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake) Local Fire/EMS Dispatch flows into icon Local Fire/EMS Vehicles 911 Emergency Call Centersflows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch FHP LWRCCflows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch Florida State Incident and Mutual Aid Networkflows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch FTE EOCflows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch FTE Operations Center (Pompano)flows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch FTE Operations Center (Turkey Lake)flows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch Local Fire/EMS Vehiclesflows into iconLocal Fire/EMS Dispatch

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Local Fire/EMS Dispatch:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Local Fire/EMS Dispatch:

Last Updated 2/5/2025