Level | Doc # | Standard | Description |
Access | Bundle: WAVE - Subnet | A bundle of standards specifying the lower layers of the reference communications model for the US DSRC environment. | |
Security | Bundle: IEEE 1609.2 | A bundle of standards that groups a set of IEEE security standards together for easy reference. | |
TransNet | Bundle: IPv6 for WAVE | A bundle of standards that identifies the RFCs that define how to use IPv6 over a WAVE (DSRC) environment. This group of standards is identified as a part of IEEE 1609.3. | |
TransNet | IEEE 1609.3 | IEEE 1609.3 WAVE - Networking Services | This standard defines the network and transport layer options for the WAVE environment. The standard defines three options: a bandwidth efficient single-hop solution known as WSMP, UDP/IP, and TCP/IP. It has been harmonized with ISO FNTP and FSAP - a common message format specified in ISO 16460. |
TransNet | Internet Transport Alternatives | A set of alternative standards that identifies the two major options for the transport layer for mainstream IP-based deployments. |
Many serious issues. This category includes solutions that have not been standardized, or do not have a basic level of interoperability or security. Consider selecting a different communications solution or if this is not possible (eg. a pilot of a new application that has not been standardized), take additional measures to provide an acceptable level of security or interoperability.