Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

City of Altamonte Springs Autonomous Vehicle Shuttle

Project Description: The City will contract with a private vendor for the planning, deployment, operation, and maintenance of a safe autonomous vehicle transportation system. This AV Shuttle is planned to be deployed in three (3) phases. The AV Shuttle system will provide a multimodal connection from the Altamonte Springs SunRail Stop to the Lakeshore/Emerson development, which borders Interstate 4. Between each end are various stops and properties consisting of commercial/retail, medical, institutional, and government land uses.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
actuate secure payment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
actuate secure payment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
authorization request City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
authorization response City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
automated lane control data City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned
automated lane status City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
automated vehicle control parameters City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
automated vehicle control parameters City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
automated vehicle control status City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned
environmental situation data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
fare collection data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
fare management information City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
payment device information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Planned
payment device update City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
registered secureIDs City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
request for payment City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
traffic situation data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
transit vehicle loading data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
transit vehicle location data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
transit vehicle schedule performance City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
traveler payment information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
traveler payment request City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
trip confirmation Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
trip feedback Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
trip plan City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
trip request Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
user account reports City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
user account setup Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
user profile Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Altamonte Springs AV - Beep Command Center Planned
vehicle environmental data City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned
vehicle platoon coordination City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned
vehicle profile City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle City of Altamonte Springs AV Shuttle Roadside Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 2/5/2025