Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

TM03: Traffic Signal Control (FDOT District 5 Smart Signals)

Service Graphic


This service package provides the central control and monitoring equipment, communication links, and the signal control equipment that support traffic control at signalized intersections. A range of traffic signal control systems are represented by this service package ranging from fixed-schedule control systems to fully traffic responsive systems that dynamically adjust control plans and strategies based on current traffic conditions and priority requests. This service package is generally an intra-jurisdictional package. Systems that achieve coordination across jurisdictions by using a common time base or other strategies that do not require real time coordination would also be represented by this package. Coordination of traffic signal systems using real-time communications is covered in the TM07-Regional Traffic Management service package. This service package is consistent with typical traffic signal control systems.

Elements Associated with Traffic Signal Control (FDOT District 5 Smart Signals)

Last Updated 9/29/2022