Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

PSTA Fare Integration

Project Description: This project will connect all fare payment apps to one application.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
actuate secure payment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
actuate secure payment Regional Smart Card PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
actuate secure payment Regional Smart Card Transit Kiosks Planned
authorization request Transit Kiosks PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
fare collection data PSTA Transit Vehicles PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
fare collection data Transit Kiosks PSTA Transit Management Center Planned
fare management information PSTA Transit Management Center PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
payment device information Regional Smart Card PSTA Transit Vehicles Planned
payment device update PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
payment device update PSTA Transit Vehicles Regional Smart Card Planned
payment request PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Financial Institutions Planned
request for payment PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
request for payment PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Regional Smart Card Planned
request for payment Transit Kiosks Regional Smart Card Planned
settlement Financial Institutions PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
traveler payment information Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
traveler payment request PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices Planned
traveler payment request PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Transit Kiosks Planned
user account setup Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned
user account setup Transit Kiosks PSTA Integrated Fare Payment Application Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 5/24/2024