FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Sensor System
Project Description: The District 5 Bridge Condition Sensor System will enhance Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 5's emergency management and maintenance functions by providing remotely accessible, continuous monitoring of roadway bridges throughout FDOT District 5 that are critically important for the movement of people and goods in and out of the district.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - Archive Data Repository
11: The center shall respond to requests for archive data from archive data users (centers, field devices).
3: The center shall store collected data in an information repository.
6: The center shall include capabilities for archive to archive coordination.
7: The center shall provide the capability to execute methods on the incoming data such as cleansing, summarizations, aggregations, or transformations applied to the data before it is stored in the archive.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - Emergency Environmental Monitoring
5: The center shall provide the road and weather warning and advisories to the emergency responders.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - Emergency Evacuation Support
1: The center shall manage inter-agency coordination of evacuation operations, from initial planning through the evacuation process and reentry.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - MCM Environmental Information Collection
1: The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
10: The center shall collect environmental data from sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
2: The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - MCM Environmental Information Processing
3: The center shall use the various data inputs of environmental sensors and road weather data to develop a view of current and predicted road weather and road conditions.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System - MCM Roadway Maintenance
4: The center shall provide emergency management and traffic management centers with information about scheduled maintenance and construction work activities including anticipated closures and impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations.
FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Sensors - Roadway Environmental Monitoring
1: The field element shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
10: The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers.
2: The field element shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
3: The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a maintenance center.
7: The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
8: The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment fault indication to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenance - Emergency Evacuation Support
5: The center shall provide evacuation information to traffic, transit, maintenance and construction, rail operations, and other emergency management centers as needed.
7: The center shall request traffic management agencies to implement special traffic control strategies and to control evacuation traffic, including traffic on local streets and arterials as well as the major evacuation routes.
FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenance - Emergency Incident Command
4: The center shall share incident command information with other public safety agencies including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, rail incident information, evacuation advice as well as traffic, road, and weather conditions.
FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenance - MCM Incident Management
1: The maintenance center shall receive inputs from the Alerting and Advisory System concerning the possibility or occurrence of severe weather, terrorist activity, or other major emergency, including information provided by the Emergency Alert System.
2: The maintenance center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, etc.
3: The maintenance center shall exchange incident and threat information with emergency management centers as well as traffic management centers; including notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.
5: The maintenance center shall respond to requests from emergency management to provide maintenance and construction resources to implement response plans, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. This may also involve coordination with traffic management centers and other maintenance centers.
9: The maintenance center shall receive evacuation information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times from emergency operation centers.
FDOT District 5 Emergency Operations Center - Emergency Evacuation Support
1: The center shall manage inter-agency coordination of evacuation operations, from initial planning through the evacuation process and reentry.
2: The center shall develop and exchange evacuation plans with allied agencies prior to the occurrence of a disaster.
FDOT District 5 Emergency Operations Center - Emergency Incident Command
3: The center shall track and maintain resource information and action plans pertaining to the incident command.
FDOT District 5 Emergency Operations Center - Emergency Response Management
3: The center shall provide the capability to implement response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and response status with allied agencies.
5: The center shall track the availability of resources and coordinate resource sharing with allied agency centers including traffic, maintenance, or other emergency centers.
FDOT District 5 Field Equipment - Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
2: The field element shall include driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control.
4: The field element shall provide fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center for repair.
FDOT District 5 RTMC - MCM Incident Management
2: The maintenance center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, etc.
FDOT District 5 RTMC - TMC Environmental Monitoring
6: The traffic center shall share the collected environmental data with Maintenance and construction operations.
FDOT District 5 RTMC - TMC Evacuation Support
1: The center shall coordinate planning for evacuation with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities such as establishing routes, areas to be evacuated, timing, etc.
FDOT District 5 RTMC - TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
1: The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
2: The center shall remotely control driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.
3: The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).
4: The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) for repair.
Project Operational Concepts:
Last Updated 2/5/2025