Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

SunStore Program (Part of ATTAIN Program)

Project Description: SunStore is FDOT District 5's local data warehouse where users can search, browse, interact with, and download FDOT D5 ITS data. The SunStore is central data storage for all the transportation system management and operations information. SunStore includes Master Data Management, Data Fusion, and Sensor Fusion for increased data quality. SunStore connects and integrates many data sources, so FDOT can make the information available to planning, operations, universities, research institution, and businesses to encourage innovation. SunStore Program is a part of the ATTAIN Central Florida Program under an Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant award. Data in SunStore will be used to support the other parts – PedSafe, GreenWay, and SmartCommunity deployments of the ATTAIN Central Florida program.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
archive coordination FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) SunStore Planned
archive coordination FDOT District 5 RTMC SunStore Existing
archive coordination FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases SunStore Existing
archive coordination MetroPlan Transportation Data Collection System SunStore Existing
archive coordination SunStore FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) Planned
archive coordination SunStore FDOT District 5 RTMC Existing
archive coordination SunStore FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Existing
archive coordination SunStore MetroPlan Transportation Data Collection System Existing
archive status SunStore Central Florida Mobility Application Planned
archive status SunStore FDOT Asset Management Systems Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenance Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 Maintenance and Inventory Management System (MMIS) Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) Planned
archive status SunStore FDOT District 5 RTMC Existing
archive status SunStore FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases Existing
archive status SunStore Private Sector Traveler Information Services Existing
archive status SunStore SunRail Operations Control Center Existing
archive status SunStore Weather Information Providers Existing
archived data product requests Archived Data User Systems SunStore Planned
archived data product requests FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard SunStore Existing
archived data product requests FDOT District 5 RTMC SunStore Existing
archived data product requests FDOT Signal4 SunStore Planned
archived data products SunStore Archived Data User Systems Existing
archived data products SunStore FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard Existing
archived data products SunStore FDOT District 5 RTMC Existing
archived data products SunStore FDOT Signal4 Existing
archived data products SunStore SunRail Operations Control Center Existing
asset archive data FDOT Asset Management Systems SunStore Existing
asset archive data FDOT District 5 Maintenance and Inventory Management System (MMIS) SunStore Existing
asset archive data FDOT Statewide OIS Enterprise Databases SunStore Existing
emergency archive data FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) SunStore Planned
maint and constr archive data FDOT District 5 Bridge Condition Monitoring Management System SunStore Existing
maint and constr archive data FDOT District 5 Construction and Maintenance SunStore Existing
maint and constr archive data FDOT District 5 RTMC SunStore Existing
map update notification SunStore CAV-ITS Map Update System Existing
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System SunStore Existing
multimodal archive data Central Florida Mobility Application SunStore Planned
traffic archive data Central Florida Mobility Application SunStore Planned
traffic archive data FDOT District 5 AAM Dashboard SunStore Existing
traffic archive data FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) SunStore Planned
traffic archive data FDOT District 5 RTMC SunStore Existing
transit archive data FDOT District 5 Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) SunStore Planned
transit archive data SunRail Operations Control Center SunStore Existing
transportation weather information Weather Information Providers SunStore Existing
traveler archive data Central Florida Mobility Application SunStore Planned
traveler archive data Private Sector Traveler Information Services SunStore Planned
weather archive data Weather Information Providers SunStore Existing

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 4/19/2024