Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Seminole Countywide SPaT Deployment (Connected Vehicle Pilot on SR 434)

Project Description: This project would deploy Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) at intersections in Seminole County. SPaT would allow communication between connected vehicles and traffic signal equipment in Seminole County. These deployments could allow drivers to anticipate changes in traffic signals and avoid unnecessary delays, reduce emissions, and increase traffic safety.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
device enrollment information Seminole County Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
enrollment credentials FDOT SCMS Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
incident information for public Seminole County TMC County and City Public Information System Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Seminole County TMC Planned
intersection geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
intersection geometry Seminole County Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
intersection status Seminole County Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
map update notification Seminole County TMC CAV-ITS Map Update System Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Seminole County TMC Planned
map updates CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
misbehavior report Seminole County Field Equipment FDOT SCMS Planned
road network conditions Seminole County TMC County and City Public Information System Planned
roadway geometry CAV-ITS Map Update System Vehicle Planned
security credential revocations FDOT SCMS Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
security credentials FDOT SCMS Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
security policy and networking information FDOT SCMS Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion Vehicle Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
vehicle location and motion for surveillance Vehicle Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
vehicle signage data Seminole County Field Equipment Vehicle Planned
vehicle situation data Vehicle Seminole County Field Equipment Planned
vehicle situation data parameters Seminole County Field Equipment Vehicle Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 4/19/2024