Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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FDOT WIM Station Interconnection

Project Description: The FDOT Weigh in Motion (WIM) Station Interconnection will facilitate the exchange of WIM information between stations to determine if a commercial vehicle has been previously screened and is compliant to reduce the need for subsequent screening.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
commercial vehicle permit information FDOT OS/OW Permit System MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials information CVIEW MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials information Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials information MCSAW Central System Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System Planned
credentials information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites Planned
credentials information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Static Sites Planned
credentials information MCSAW Central System Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities Planned
credentials information MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials information MCSAW Static Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials information Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials status information CVIEW MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials status information Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Central System Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Static Sites Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Central System Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials status information MCSAW Static Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
credentials status information Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities MCSAW Central System Planned
data query FDOT District CAV Field Equipment FL511 Planned
route restrictions MCSAW Central System FDOT OS/OW Permit System Planned
safety status information Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System MCSAW Central System Planned
safety status information MCSAW Central System Florida Department of Agriculture AgPass System Planned
safety status information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites Planned
safety status information MCSAW Central System MCSAW Static Sites Planned
safety status information MCSAW Central System Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities Planned
safety status information MCSAW Electronic Bypass Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
safety status information MCSAW Static Sites MCSAW Central System Planned
safety status information Other FDOT Scales and Inspection Facilities MCSAW Central System Planned
weigh-in-motion information MCSAW Field Devices MCSAW Static Sites Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):

Project Solutions:

Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 5/28/2024