Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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US: SAE Other J2735 - Wide Area Broadcast


This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: SAE Other J2735 with those for C-X: Wide Area Broadcast. The US: SAE Other J2735 standards include upper-layer standards required to implement V2X information flows that do not yet have fully specified functionality and performance charcateristics. The C-X: Wide Area Broadcast standards include lower-layer standards that support one entity broadcasting information to all wireless devices over an area that covers at least a metropolitan area without any expectation of acknowledgement or response; security is provided by the upper-layers.

Comm Profile: C-X: Wide Area Broadcast

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: US: SAE Other J2735

Standards in Profile:

Readiness Description:

Two significant or one significant and several minor issues. For existing deployments, the chosen solution is likely deficient in security or management capabilities and the issues should be reviewed and upgrades developed as needed. For new deployments, the solution may be viable for pilots when applied to the triples it supports; such pilot deployments should consider a path to addressing these issues as a part of their design activities. The solution does not provide sufficient interoperability, management, and security to enable proper, full-scale deployment without additional work.

Last Updated 2/3/2025