Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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Inventory Elements

Each stakeholder owns, operates, maintains or plans ITS systems in Florida. The Florida's District 1 Regional ITS Architecture (RITSA) inventory is a list of "Elements" that represent the existing and planned ITS systems in a region, as well as non-ITS systems, such as vehicles and people, that exchange information with the ITS systems.

When using the RITSA website, stakeholders can identify the inventory elements that are of interest to their project or of interest for exploration of the RITSA. Selecting an element from the list on the website provides a description and a list of the other elements in the RITSA to which that element is related or interconnected. A diagram also provides this interconnection information. Further information is provided about the specific information exchanges between the element and related elements under the Architecture Flow Diagrams listing on the element web page. These diagrams provide the specific information flows that are exchanged between the elements. Selecting an architecture flow provides a description for the flow selected.

Inventory elements are the building blocks that are used to define ITS services. A list of services along with service diagrams in which the inventory element is included are provided at the end of each element web page. Selecting a service provides context to how the element interacts with other elements in the delivery of ITS services.

The Florida Elements are organized in two ways:

Last Updated 2/3/2025