Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application

Status: Planned

Description: Dashboard that displays real time data and actively reports on performance measures as mandated by MAP–21. Allows for ongoing adjustments as technology changes and can assist in guiding regional investment.

Stakeholder: Sarasota/Manatee MPO

Systems Interconnected
with the Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application:

Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application flows into icon City of Sarasota TMC Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application flows into icon Manatee County TMC Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application flows into icon Manatee-Sarasota Regional Traffic Management Center Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application flows into icon Sarasota County TMC City of Sarasota TMCflows into iconSarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application Manatee County TMCflows into iconSarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application Manatee-Sarasota Regional Traffic Management Centerflows into iconSarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application Sarasota County TMCflows into iconSarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Sarasota/Manateee MPO Data Dashboard/Data Management Application:

Last Updated 4/18/2024