Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment

Status: Planned

Description: City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment represents the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) field equipment in the City of Winter Haven. Tthis equipment will interface to statewide CAV systems that are required for administrative, security, credentialing, or other support purposes.

Stakeholder: City of Winter Haven Public Works

Systems Interconnected
with the City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment:

Architecture Flows
to/from the City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment:

City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon CAV Authorizing Center City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon CAV-ITS Map Update System City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon City of Winter Haven Traffic Control Equipment City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon City of Winter Haven Traffic Signal Control System City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon Commercial Vehicle City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon FDOT SCMS City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment flows into icon Vehicles CAV Authorizing Centerflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment CAV-ITS Map Update Systemflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment City of Winter Haven Traffic Control Equipmentflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment City of Winter Haven Traffic Signal Control Systemflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment Commercial Vehicleflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment FDOT SCMSflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment Private Travelers Personal Computing Devicesflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment Vehiclesflows into iconCity of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with City of Winter Haven CAV Field Equipment:

Last Updated 4/18/2024