Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Charlotte County Equipment Replacement

Project Description: This project would replace signals and cameras in Charlotte County over the next 5–10 years. This could also include an upgrade of Charlotte County ATMS video detection software. The current system operates on intersections that are mast armed. As span intersections are replaced with masts they are expecting to expand the use of video detection.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
signal control commands Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned
signal control device configuration Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned
signal control plans Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned
signal control status Charlotte County Field Equipment Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
signal system configuration Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector control Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned
traffic detector data Charlotte County Field Equipment Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
traffic images Charlotte County Field Equipment Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Planned
video surveillance control Charlotte County/Punta Gorda Advanced Traffic Management System Charlotte County Field Equipment Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts: